Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Track 15: How The MLB Digs Itself Out Of Its Current Predicament

So Mark McGwire came out about his steroid use yesterday. Finally. It really wasn't a big surprise. Sure, we were all astounded by his "skill" and "strength" when he broke Roger Maris' single season home run record. Yet, nowadays, I just have to anticipate most of the modern day greats to come clean about their steroid use. To say the least, it's disheartening and troubling.

But, I have the solution for the MLB. 

The MLB needs to offer a one year amnesty period once and for all. Basically, this amnesty period would allow for all the current and past players to clear their records of steroid use. If they tell the MLB they use or have used steroids, the MLB forgives them. No questions asked. No fines. No suspensions. Then after this amnesty period, serious suspensions would be given to players who test positive for steroids. I'm talking about giving a guilty player a one year suspension for the first violation and lifetime suspension for a second violation.

Now, some might say that this is a very severe punishment, but this is exactly what the MLB needs to clean up its image. Instead of having a star player come out every year about his steroid use, the MLB will have one horrible year full of players admitting their usage. The benefit to a one year amnesty lies in the fact that the MLB can truly start damage control rather than being under fire for six months after every allegation. If the MLB continues its current course, it will get stuck in a never-ending cycle of bad publicity and questions about the legitimacy of the sport.

Yeah, I'm sure that this amnesty period would be a very difficult time for those involved in the baseball world, but the lingering effects of the steroid era are crippling the game. This is America's game. If little kids can't pretend to be their favorite slugger without envisioning the use of steroids, then the game is truly ruined.

The MLB needs to get a grasp of the situation. Now.

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