Friday, January 29, 2010

Track 23: Seriously, Screw

(Disclaimer :For some of you guys, this will make sense. For others, it won't.)

So I noticed a recent influx of Facebook statuses recently promoting this new website called Always one for trying something unique and interesting, I decided to check out this website. I came to one conclusion: This is just another way for my generation to express their narcissism through social networking. I have a facebook and a twitter. That's enough to keep me busy.

The purpose of the site is that it provides a user with an account. The user makes a page on the website where other people can ask questions anonymously or through their own account.

Most of the questions asked through this website are also incredibly inane. Most of the questions just end up referencing inside jokes between certain people. Also, people just try to figure out who's asking them questions. It's pretty much ridiculous.

Do people really not have anything else to do with their life that they have to resort to using this stupid, dumb service? The parent company behind this website also specializes in data collection, so who do you really think is keeping all this information about you?

I judge every one of you who use this service. The day I make a formspring is the day I die.


  1. Put your question in my brain! :D
    HAHAHAHA!!!! :D

  2. of COURSE i'm a narcissist. WE ALL ARE. you have a blog, dontcha?

    ooh, slow burn

  3. I like to think of it as a site dedicated to Truth Box, except with a different name and not owned by MySpace. But yeah, it's pretty useless.

  4. i think you're just worried that you aren't interesting enough to get questions asked about you.

  5. Nina: Nice one.
    Joe: You're dumb.
    Will: That's a very good point.
    Antonina: I definitely do not want one.
