Monday, January 18, 2010

Track 20: The Websites List

I'm out of other ideas right now, so I present a list of my favorite websites.

1. Facebook- This one should need little explanation from me. Anyone that somewhat pays attention to modern technology or the internet has heard of Facebook. For me, I find it to be an excellent communication tool as well as a time waster. I can read what's going on with my friends, promote the blog, chat with a friend, or play a stupid game (like Mafia Wars or Farmville). Basically, Facebook is a necessity for people in my generation.

2. StumbleUpon- You've heard me talk about this before, but that's because it's one of the greatest things to ever hit the internet. To sum it up, it's basically a ginormous random button for the internet. I can stay up to date on current events, find something to laugh at, or learn something new with minimal effort. I've lost a lot of my life to StumbleUpon, but it's definitely worth it in the end.

3. Woot/Shirt.Woot- If you're not familiar with the business model of Woot or Shirt.Woot, you should be. The company sells one product a day until it runs out, and then a new product is placed on the website at midnight central time. Shirt.Woot uses the same idea with t-shirts, but the t-shirts are only $10 a piece with free shipping. I don't ever buy that much from Woot, but Shirt.Woot is a critical part of my wardrobe. At one time, I'd say 55% of the t-shirts I owned were from Shirt.Woot.

4. Ars Technica- This is my default website for technology news. I make sure to check it constantly so that I'll know what's going in the tech/gadget world. I also greatly appreciate the design of the website and the live blogging of press conferences and other events.

5. NFC North Blog- I go to this website to get my daily dose of news about the Green Bay Packers and their competition in the NFC North. Kevin Seifert, the man behind the blog, always seems to have the scoop on news and gossip.

6. Wikipedia- This is another website that has become vitally important to my generation. I hate that people always claim that the site isn't accurate, because, in most cases, Wikipedia is the greatest wealth of general knowledge available on the internet.

7. xkcd- This is a smart web comic for smart individuals. The humor is definitely unique and interesting. It also makes many insightful and relevant points. Another bonus is that the comic is updated regularly and often.

8. Surviving the World- This is a daily photo comic that I make sure to look at every morning. Dante, the creator, usually makes witty and intelligent statements, but my favorite part is the expressions he makes with some of his submissions. Most excellent, indeed.

1 comment:

  1. that woot website is really cool, I've never seen it before. and now I know where you get all of your clever shirts, maybe now I can be as cool as you nick!

    Stumbleupon is the source of many wasted hours for me, but sometimes big handfuls of weed IS cool to look at :p

    and I don't check the xkcd website, I just have the RSS sent to my email!

    cya tonight
