Saturday, January 2, 2010

Track 5: The First Semester Findings

So it's about time for me to start turning my mind back to school and preparing for my second semester at Georgia Tech. Here's a little list of things that I've learned from my first semester.

1. Get out of your room and do stuff. I can't stress how important this is. If you don't make friends in the beginning or get involved with something, you are most definitely going to get left behind.

2. Finals are as hard as you make them. If you don't go to class all semester, don't do your homework, and don't even pay attention, there's no way that you're going to do well on the final. You can study for four days straight, but actually doing work throughout the semester is key to making good grades and performing well.

3. All-nighters are not good for your health or academics. You may think that you're really getting a leg up on that test and that you're going to show that teacher who's boss. But your body needs sleep to function. Not to mention that one of the main reasons that humans require sleep is to consolidate information into your memory. In other words, unless you sleep on it, you're just going to forget all that you just stayed up to learn.

4. Have Fun. Yeah, academics are important, but college is so much more than that. I've bet you've heard this before, but it's really true. I know I'm not going to remember what tests I got A's on, but I can tell you that I'll remember some of the parties for a long time.

5. Don't be afraid to confront people. You're an adult now. You need to learn how to solve your own problems. If you have an issue with someone, just talk to that person about it face-to-face. You'll be amazed how much that solves.

6. Be open to new things and new people. You're probably on your own for the first time in a strange, new environment. Just try to be accepting. I've made some weird, goofy friends during my first semester, and I would've never associated with them if I had come in all with my mind already closed off. Also, try to be respectful towards the culture of others.

7. Yes, the unlimited dining hall is very nice and convenient. Yet, please don't gorge yourself. The "Freshman 15" is true and does happens. Also, make sure to eat somewhere other than the dining hall once in a while. It'll make you feel better. I promise.

8. Enjoy your sports teams. This is probably one of the only opportunities in your life that you'll be this close to a high-caliber sports team. I don't care what your school is good at. Football, basketball, water polo, cross country. Go watch some games and support your teams.

9. Don't get bogged down by the school. Some schools (especially Tech) can just make you feel like crap at times. However, it's easy to avoid this if you always look on the bright side of life.

Well, that's all I have. Read this list. Know this list. Be this list.


  1. Well aren't you just the most efficient person out there.

  2. I try to be. Efficiency is awesome!

  3. I know this list well :( It's actually following suit that sucks.
